Sunday, January 31, 2021

57 Bus- Please take a moment to complete the attached Hate Crime Survey!

Please complete the attached questionnaire on Hate Crimes. 

Feel free to comment on any feelings or thoughts you have on the topic.  Please make sure all comments are appropriate!

Hate Crime Survey

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Check your Email!

New year, new unit. 

I hope everyone had a great holiday and winter break and was able to get back on track last week. You had three assessments (not fun) we needed to get done:

  1. Reading Inventory
  2. NJSLS Form B
  3. Unit 2 Summative Assessment
Now, on to the new stuff. First, if you haven't made any New Year's resolutions my suggestion would be to re-organize yourself for the remainder of the marking period (and school year). You've heard by now we're continuing "remote learning" until at least the end of February. Have a plan to be successful. 

Check your Emails!

One thing I'd like everyone to learn to do is check your email regularly! From, College Professor Shares 8 Email Tips That Students Need to Learn:

As a psychology professor, I’m often asked by students and parents for college success tips. The first and most straightforward piece of advice is what I preach every lecture, “Don’t forget to check your email.”

Checking and using your school email will instill important habits for your work or college careers. It will also help avoid any miscommunication and help you stay organized in class.

New Unit - The 57 Bus

Please complete this Anticipation Guide:

Act 2 and Comic Relief

Act 1 concluded with Lady Macbeth hatching a plan for Macbeth to kill Duncan in his bed and pin the murder on his two servants. Act 2 is sh...